About 4 years ago I had put my lovely house in Amsterdam up for sale. In this time of recession there had been very little interest for this expensive house though. I thought it would be nice to move to a somewhat smaller place and spend some more time in my villa in Marbella, Spain and maybe produce a few more plays there or even finish writing my new book. No, it is not yet time for me to sit behind the geraniums, especially since I had been building up my Bed & Breakfast business steadily. The winter months were ghastly and it all came to a near standstill all over Amsterdam. Patience is each winter required and waiting for spring to come around and I am glad to say that I had been quite successful running Xaviera's Happy house for the last 10 years or so.
However, a few days ago, the moment came that my real estate man informed me that he had finally found a buyer and the contract would soon be ready to be signed. I suddenly realized that this meant I would have to move out round January next year! I literally got cold feet and sank into a massive depression. Later on that night I hugged my man Philip and suddenly burst out in tears as I really have come to LOVE this villa so much after living here for almost half a century that I realized that I did not really want to leave at all anymore! The thought of having to pack up everything in this crowded house; throw or give away half my stuff and move into a less cheerful place , probably half the size of this one, in a crowded street without a nice garden or a private parking space, almost drove me insane and all night long I had all sorts of nightmares.
{besps}bedandbreakfast-gallery|caps=1|inout=1|height=280 {/besps} O.K. I would end up making some nice money on this house and move to another place: smaller, less expensive to keep up, never having to pay euro 11.000 "erfpacht" each year or enormous monthly electricity bills anymore, but probably with no space for my many books and picture albums or hundreds of cd's or big shelves full of little dolls, statues, gallantry, erotic paintings and gadgets. No more privacy in my own house, probably nosy neighbors all around us, complaining about the music being too loud, BB guests coming and going, the dogs barking or the cats scratching on trees if there would be trees at all... grrrr. So, this morning Philip and I decided after all NOT to sell the house I have lived in for over 40 years (on the Stadionweg) .
Now.....that Arnold my ex manager of the last 5 years, suddenly last December decided to get married to his Polish bride and her 3 year old boy and left for Peru, I was wondering if I could ever manage to keep up this BB business without him. It was quite clear that Arnold was never coming back to Holland. He now apparently is stranded in his country of origin with no work and a pregnant wife . Though Philip has done his lions share in the meantime I did not even know where to start looking for a new assistant.
Like the piece of the puzzle that always falls into the right place at the right time, out of the blue I was introduced to this handsome new and enthusiastic young man from Rumania, called Adrian; all of 34 and full of energy; bright and eloquent in English , unattached and looking for a place to stay and a stimulating job. He has a sweet personality, an almost formal charming middle European accent and a most polite manner. Adrian calls Philip "Mr. Philip" and me 'Boss 'or "Madame". Of course in a tongue and cheek manner of speaking. He turned out to be a genius computer whiz kid and also knows how to keep this house clean, though getting up early in the morning is not his forte. Together with Philip the three of us have just blown in a lot of fresh air so to speak in the meanwhile suddenly booming B&B business.
Adrian and I have installed ourselves in my smallish but oh so cozy office, surrounded by 6 different screens. Spreadsheets on one screen, drop box items on the other , bb agencies on yet another screen and like a magician he is juggling bookings and blocking or deblocking rooms in swift tempo. Friends visiting get comfortably installed in one of the three cozy leather red chairs...the perfect hideaway for brainstorming sessions, confessing girlfriends, late night skype calls all over the world and my occasional dozing off behind my keyboard round 3 a.m. That's what my night life looks like if I am not out visiting theatre plays, art exhibitions or dining at friends places. The eternal insomniac who gets by with 4 to 5 hours sleep easily. Purring Siamese cats and sweet dogs surround me wherever I look.
We are bound to make a big hit with our liaison with several of the best world wide known and respected BB agencies we have been hooked up since a few weeks... and thus - - - - we NEED THIS lovely stately Stadionweg location to receive guests, park our/their cars in our spacious private parking place (cars by the way that regularly get used as unofficial taxis by Philip or me when we double up as private chauffeurs) for the Happy House. Come spring our garden will no doubt start blooming again with roses, rhododendrons , oleander and Philip's special "happy herbs" .We will let the two dogs and 3 cats frolic around like all other animals I have had for the last 40 years . Hallelujah I am so glad I changed my mind before having signed my happiness away.
We both realized how my friends would miss the many fun parties: like group dinners , lectures inside our house or in the garden, burlesque or cabaret performances or even stag parties, dj's playing or my yearly Easter and birthday parties. Cabaret acts or story tellers... Ah,.. if only you know how much I DO LOVE and NEED to organize those fun things in life until I literally will run out of breath!!!
THIS IS MY LIFE AND MOST OF ALL PLACE I want to grow old in together with Philip, who meanwhile has become much much more than just my right hand man, he is my Everything and now with the assistance of our new partner Adrian its going to be even more fun. Though I realize it is really time to finish the book Philip and I had started to write a few years ago called WALL TALK.. or " IF ONLY THE WALLS COULD TALK " (half the book is finished) I doubt I will ever find the time for that in the next few years.
And now I would like to inform you of a most interesting event that will take place partially at my house as well as on the spot outside locations in Amsterdam and surroundings, called S.A.R
APRIL 20-24th, 2012
Come to meet Dr. Patti Britton, renowned American Sexologist (who happens to be the niece of Xaviera Hollander, author of The Happy Hooker - ) and Patti's partner, Dr. Robert Dunlap, fellow Sexologist (and the film maker of the multiple award winning documentary about Xaviera's life). These two leading sex coaches (, are offering a unique, once-in-a-lifetime training experience in Amsterdam.
"Sexual Attitude Reassessment and Restructuring" or "SAR" is a program designed to evoke enhanced sensitivity to the infinite range of sexual expression by challenging beliefs, values and attitudes while creating a safe encounter for personal and professional growth. Using lectures, media and personal stories participants will discover truth in sex while exploring all of its many dimensions.
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Our group is a diverse mix of sexologists, therapists, coaches, and tantra masters. This weekend is destined to be a powerful learning opportunity and a life-changing chance to network with some of the finest minds and practitioners in sexology from around the world.
Training Night: Friday April 20, 7-10 pm at the B&B of Xaviera Hollander (the "hub").
During the day Philip and Alexander will act as guides for the group who is interested in visiting the overwhelming beauty of the Dutch tulip fields called KEUKENHOF.
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photos: Captured Erotica
Training Days:
Saturday and Sunday April 21-22nd. 10-1:00 and 2:30-5:30 pm
Friday, April 20: A visit to the nearby Erotic Museum , O.Z. Achterburgwal 54.
Saturday evening April 21, at 8 pm.: offers a FANTASTIC program after dinner at the famous Mail & Female Sex Shop with LIVE demos of BDSM stars and other erotic performers.
The programme is for 2 hours, doors open at 7:30pm, event starts at 8pm
Here, American erotic film maker, Jennifer Bell, now living in Amsterdam, will show you some interesting footage of her new film coming out later this year. There will be a Q&A about her, with Jennifer Lyon Bell, erotic film maker and founder of Blue Artichoke films (
Also with us this evening will be Artemis Hunter, an American Sexuality Educator and Erotic Rope Artist. Artemis will inform us about BDSM activities sharing sensual role play demonstrations at Amsterdam's unique women friendly sex boutique Mail & Female.
Xaviera quite the Domina herself at times , is offering a special "duo gift" for the event. She has handpicked two lovely creatures to be bondage canvasses on which Artemis Hunter will rope paint.
Mr. K is a handsome and mature masochist transvestite and intimate "girl"-friend of Xaviera for years. Xaviera's youthful and slender blonde angelic/lover/slave girl, Ms GG, is being offered to taste a bit of shibari-inspired bondage while people gather for this erotic evening of exploration. Neither have ever been "lent" to any other Mistress.
This will be their grand premiere with a live audience and Xaviera, as well as Mail and Female, would love to invite you to this event.
Here are some details about BDSM specialist Artemis her own words!

Since 2005, Artemis Hunter has spent much of her time gathering knowledge from some of the world's finest rope bondage artists and BDSM practitioners. She's coming to Amsterdam to share insight as to how and why more and more everyday people are spicing up their sex lives with safe, sane, and consensual BDSM play.
The first part of this erotic educational presentation will be an overview of BDSM, the growing trend in BDSM communities, and how BDSM plays roles in people's sex lives.
No presentation would be complete without witnessing a sampling of the power of BDSM play .Artemis invites you to be a voyeur and experience some of the creative power that comes with informed BDSM adult play.
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photo's: Captured Erotica
Xaviera's seasoned male lover of BDSM who is a heterosexual transvestite will be, for one evening only, Artemis' own special "girl" and stage plaything.
Don't be surprised if Xaviera Hollander joins in the fun and treats her "toygirls" to a mild spanking with a fine new paddle. It's sure to be naughtily delicious.
Don't miss this opportunity to see BDSM play in a unique and erotic light.
Only 20 seats left! Buy your ticket at Mail & Female or call Mail & Female at 0031 20 6233916 to reserve a good seat for this spectacular show.
Time: Saturday April 21 at 20.00 hr
photo:Captured Erotica
- Location: MAIL & FEMALE
- Nieuwe Vijzelstraat 2 hoek Weteringcircuit, Amsterdam
- Welcome drink upon arrival
- No photography or filming during the evening
- Entrance fee euro 20 per person
P.S. Some interesting details about the BDSM specialist: Artemis Hunter
Xaviera and I are working with her "bottoms". It is my intention to tie up one of the two friends she wants me to have some fun with: the young blonde Ms. GG. So... as soon as the doors open and the people are arriving... there will be a delightful spectacle to look at... the BDSM sculpture that will be awaiting the guests patiently. What a fun thing for innocent bypassers/experienced SAR members/seasoned shoppers to watch as they enter this sexy paradise.
No doubt there will be some personal lectures and firsthand accounts by Xaviera a.k.a. the world's most famous madam, on hot sizzling sex tips from the pro herself ** these stories can be found in the collected booklet Xaviera Hollanders 69 Tips to Better Sex or 69 Orgasmic Ways to Pleasure a Woman. Based on Xaviera's sex advice column in Penthouse Magazine, Call me Madam that she has been writing for 35 years, Xaviera has produced the hottest sex advice book of the new millennium. It's hot, it's edgy and it is totally politically incorrect.
Sunday evening , April 22 is another GREAT CHANCE to see the Red Light District with a pro guide,
Robert Verhulst, where we will meet the women in sex work, explore the history of prostitution and hear real life stories from the sexual underground up close and personal.
Monday , April 23 offers tours to local culture and villages to explore the fine heritage of Holland's cheese, wooden shoes, and windmills followed by dining at a lovely restaurant.
All inquiries should be sent to:
For those who read this newsletter and live far away from Amsterdam, I can only say
"I wish you were here!" and others who are inspired by the subject of Bondage and domination activities do try and get an entrance ticket to this fascinating as well as educational event.
Have a great summer and.... You know where to find me. Either in Amsterdam at my bed and breakfast or in May in my wonderful villa Caprice in Marbella , Spain